Scientific History. Edict of Milan legalized the practice of Christianity in 313. These courses will allow you understand the development of modern technological and scientific writing advancements. Constantine was not an actual Christian However, it is believed that was converted to Christianity on his deathbed. An introduction to Environmental History: Through this course, you will discover how people have engaged with their environment during the time following Columbus. [MITThe Institute of Technology Modern Physics: From The Atom to Big Science: Learn how Physics has played an important role in world politics and history with this course for free. [BerkeleyThe] History of Public Health: This course will allow students understand how ideas and public health policies that have evolved over time. [Johns Hopkins[Johns Hopkins] People and Other Animals: Learn more about the nature of the relationships between humans and other species by taking this course, which examines the current and historical conflicts as well as incidents. [MITThe course focuses on Nature, Environment, and Empire The course focuses on the connection to the research of nature historical events through the eyes of Europeans and Americans, and actual exploitation of the natural world both at in the home and within colonies. [MITThe MIT Psychology History Timeline: Learn more about the development of the field of psychology in this class. [OpenLearn» EngineeringApollo the Moon Project as a Complex System in this course you’ll have the chance to understand the historical events that led to the moon landing’s success. (MIT) Environmental Conflict and Social Change Take this class to find out how environmental issues have affected cultures across the globe. At the end of the 5th century the Franks along with the Irish changed their religion and became Christians.

The [MIT] Toward The Scientific Revolution: Here you will learn about the thinkers, theories and discoveries that predated the revolution in science. [MIT] Bulgaria began to follow in the ninth century, followed by Poland by the middle of the nineteenth century. History of Art and Thought. Fig 1: Emperor Constantine I. Through these classes you will learn more about the foundations of contemporary theories such as art, politics, and much more. The various forms Of Christianity within Medieval Europe.

The History of Western Thought, 500-1300 This course will allow you understand intellectual traditions that date back to the time of the fall of the Roman Empire through in the Middle Ages. [MIT] from Print through Digital: Technologies of the Word 1450 to Present: Explore the development of writing from the first printing presses until the present day web technologies. [MITThe MIT MusA(c)e du Louvre Discover more about how the awe-inspiring collection of the Louvre was created through this course’s historical investigation. [OpenLearnthe History of Western Art and Civilization Moving through the different countries This course will explore the intellectual and artistic movements that took place in Europe beginning in the Roman period to the present. Christianity had two major sects: that of the Roman Church and the Byzantine Church. Learn with OpenLearn Ancient Philosophy and Mathematics: Take this course to understand the mathematical foundations of ancient times and to study the concepts of logic, reason and rationality. [MITThe MIT Institute for European Thought and Culture: Concepts like independence, religion, capitalism , and many more are explored in this course which is focused on the contemporary era. [MITFoundations of Western Culture I: Homer to Dante Foundations of Western Culture I: Homer to Dante: This course provides an extensive list of readings to help you comprehend the political and cultural foundations of the western world through the time of the Roman empire through the Renaissance. [MITThe MIT Foundations of Western Culture II: Modernism: Part two of this course is focused on the literature of the 17th through 20th centuries and examines the cultural changes that took place and the shifts in intellectual thought. [MIT] In the headship of the Roman church was the Pope.

Highlighted Online Programs. Meanwhile, the Byzantine Emperor was the head of over the Byzantine Church. Wars and Revolution.

The Emperor appointed the position of a Patriarc one who was inferior to him in authority. Revolutions and wars have played an important influence on the development of our world in the way we see it in the present. The various churches had different theological beliefs , which created the possibility of a division between them. Find out more about these events as well as their causes, and ways to stop the same thing from happening again . This split grew in intensity up to Photian Schism in 863 . These courses will help you.

The decisive blow came in the Great Schism when the two churches broke up. Comparative Grand Strategy as well as Military Doctrine The course will look at the strategies used by military leaders that were employed by Britain, France, Germany and Russia during the 20th and 19th century. [MIT» How to Stage a Revolution This course focuses on the motivations behind and ways in which a society organizes a revolution, with countries all over the world as an example. [MITThe MIT Civil War: Through this course, you will be able to understand the causes and consequences of civil war in countries such as those in the Balkans, Africa and more. [MITThe MIT World War II: Check out this course to inform yourself about the events and causes of WWII and the eventual beginnings of Cold War in the post-war period. [UWThe UW War and American Society: Learn about the many ways in which war has impacted American society and its citizens through this course. [MITThe MIT Nazi Germany and the Holocaust If you’re looking to know more about the truth behind Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, or even about National Socialist Party, this course is an excellent opportunity to explore topics that you might not be conscious. The Byzantine Church was renamed known as the Eastern Orthodox Church, while another became known as the Roman Catholic Church. Civil-military relations This course will outline the fundamental tensions that exist between civilians and the military, both past and present. [MITThe MIT Causes and Prevention of War Utilizing World War I, World War II, Korea, Indochina and Indochina, and the Peloponnesian, Crimean and Seven Years wars as an example, this course will examine ways in which the war could be avoided. [MITThe MIT French Revolution: Here you will learn about the history and the causes of France’s Revolutions as well as the bloody consequences that followed. [OpenLearn] Photian Schism: Group Specific. The Pope claimed that he was in charge of all the Church, and said that even it was the Byzantine Emperor was subordinate to his authority. The courses are focused on a particular group within a wider area to provide a clear overview of their history. Of course that was not the case.

Byzantines were not in agreement and believed that the Emperor was entitled to the authority to name one of the Patriarchs without the permission of the Pope. / The power of History and the power of language & Culture Subscribe. Eastern Orthodox Church. An insufficiency of understanding the past, of different cultures, as well as a lack of critical thinking skills makes it easier for other people to influence us. It was believed that the Eastern Orthodox Church was believed to be to be the first Christian Church, and the only authentic one. How can the liberal arts help to create an informed global citizen?

This issue is urgent not only in light of the recent rise in non-liberal politics in the United States as well as abroad and also following the 2008 financial crisis. Different groups have made this claim within Christianity. Since 2008 there has been a decline in the number of students studying the humanities have dropped substantially across the United States.